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Used Game Sale

Used Game Sale (UGS) 2024 is Officially Complete! Check Back Here in June 2025 for Details About Our Next UGS!

Charity and Games!

For the past two years, our Used Game Sale has been an incredible success, raising $15,000 each year to support our Teacher Wish List Fund and community initiatives. This year, in 2024, we raised over $13,000!

Thanks to these funds, we are thrilled to be able to bring joy to teachers and their students by supplying new games to enhance their classrooms.

We had a fantastic turnout on both days of this year's UGS, and we couldn’t have done it without the participation of our wonderful community and the many dedicated volunteers who helped make this event possible.

Thank you again for your support!


Did You Register Games to Be Sold During the Sale?

Sellers that submitted games to Labyrinth to be sold at the sale should soon receive an e-mail with their results. The store credit will be posted on sellers' store accounts and/or checks will be ready for pickup by September 14th. Any games that were not sold can be picked up at Labyrinth by close of business by September 22nd. Any games that remain after the 22nd will be considered donated to Labyrinth. 

September 11: Sellers receive an e-mail with their results.

September 14: Store credit posted on seller(s) store account(s) and/or checks ready for pickup

September 22: Any games that remain must be picked up by this date or they will be considered donated to Labyrinth

Although the 2024 Used Game Sale is a wrap…

Check back here in late spring 2025. Details and dates for the 2025 Used Game Sale will be posted here by June 1, 2025!

In the meantime, we are still accepting donations for the Teacher Wish List Fund. If you’d like to donate games for next year’s sale contact us!

Noteworthy 2022-2024 Stats






Dollars Raised for Community Initiatives (including our Teacher Wishlist Fund)

over $15,000!

over $15,000!


Games Sold








Games that Sold for Over $200




Game with the Highest Auction Price


Too Many Bones

Return to Dark Tower bundle - $300

Game with the Most Copies at the Sale


Gloomhaven (& Catan)

Catan (and Catan Expansions)


2024 Participants’ Successes

Hundreds of old and new Labyrinth customers grew their board game collections (some by dozens of games), and many received store credit or cash for the games they submitted to us to sell at the event! (If you sold games at the 2024 event and have questions about how to access your credit or cash, please reach out to us anytime.)

We still have a few remaining items that did not sell during the event. If you are a teacher or know any teachers, please arrange to come by and get some FREE games for their classrooms!

A Big Thank You!

Again, we are truly in awe and forever indebted to our buyers and sellers, loyal and new customers, and community for making this charity event a success!

Without you, this event would not be possible – and, a special thanks goes to Yoni Gray who, every year, treks all the way from Boston to run our tech!